Finding the thief

by Sajib


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Finding the thief is a card game.But finding the thief is the different of other game.Here you will get a traditional game Flavor.SOME INFORMATION ABOUT THE FINDING THE THIEF GAME::: PLAYER:: Finding thief game need 4 is you and other 3 player is our game default player. CARD: Also need 4 card value is card is robber,also one card value is police and last one card value is thief. CARD VALUE: king card value is $900,robber card value is $800,police card value is $500 and theif card value is $000.
HOW TO PLAY FINDING THE THIEF GAME:: * First Choose one player from 4 player. * Next step:select one card from random 4 cards. * Random four card value is king,robber,police or thief. * If you will choose king card then you will get $900.If you will choose robber card then you will get $800. If you will choose police card then you will get $500.But If you will choose thief card then you will get $000. * But unfortunately thief has stolen police $500.If you choose police card then you have a chance for get back your $500.If you can find the right thief person you will get back your $500. But if you choose wrong person then you will lost your $500 then thief will get $500. * But Police or you don't know who is the thief.
ROUND: This game have total 10 rounds.After complete 10 rounds then show the total result of 4 players.
HOW TO GET THE IDEA OF FINDING THIEF GAME:: It is our south Asian one of the most popular traditional game.But unfortunately we are losting our traditional games.Same think happened with me. I forgot this game.But one day me and my other three friend went to my village.And there I can get this FINDING THE THIEF Game Idea.